Feb 23, 2019
We promised we’d dive headfirst into the emotional and relational side of money and this episode makes good on the promise. James discusses how money is often the symptom of deeper communication and relational stumbling blocks and how you can have healthy money conversations with your spouse.
James also takes...
Feb 16, 2019
James discusses how we get past the destructive power of worry, what the industry and media don’t want you to know, and how to step into a more full financial life.
He also answers questions about making financial decisions after divorce or job loss, exploring the financial realities of a career decision, when and...
Feb 9, 2019
In the first episode of The Rich Life Radio Show, James Lenhoff lays the foundation for how we are endeavoring to change the conversation about money. By holding our thoughts captive, we can get past worry and make wise wealth decisions.
James also covers topics like the true value of a financial advisor, how to...