Mar 30, 2019
Are you constantly pushing for the next thing? The bigger house? The nicer car? The fancier vacation?
Are you stuck in the lie that you are irreplaceable at work? That the only place that you’re valuable is at the office?
Don’t miss a chance to be the best mom, dad, husband or wife that you could possibly be...
Mar 23, 2019
We are hardwired as humans to be generous. But for some of us, maybe many of us, at some point a circuit breaker was flipped that makes us fearful of generosity. It pushes us into a scarcity mindset that puts Living a Rich Life out of our grasp.
Generosity is not optional. It is required if we intend to truly Live a...
Mar 16, 2019
Are taxes really that emotional?
While taxes might seem like a tactical, technical financial topic, there’s so much uncertainty, fear, pressure and tension around taxes.
In Episode 6 of The Rich Life Radio Show, James breaks down how to deal with tax season in a healthy way.
Brought to you by...
Mar 9, 2019
What does your heart rate have to do with your finances?
It provides us a powerful analogy for how our financial lives should operate.
Your body was designed with significant margin. As you sit and read this post, it’s likely that your heart is at its resting rate.
What happens when you need to climb a flight of...
Mar 2, 2019
Just like when they learned how to walk, your kids need to be able to fall down over and over again as they learn about money.
Creating a safe environment for them by letting them make $5, $10, and even $50 decisions when they’re young so that they don’t make $500 or $50,000 decisions when they’re adults.