Apr 30, 2019
In Episode 11, James talks about five powerful ways to make sure you make your summer vacation count - that it furthers your ability to live a truly Rich Life - without throwing financial responsibility out the window.
This podcast is brought to you by Wealthquest.
Apr 23, 2019
It’s so easy to buy into the lie getting the next thing or the next house or the next car is what will finally make you happy.
It’s easy to buy into that because marketers are good at selling you what you want. And what you want is what it feels like in the few fleeting moments after you make that new purchase.
Apr 16, 2019
In this episode of the show, James appears as a guest on Crossroads Church's Man Skills podcast. He discusses strategies to alleviate the burden of debt in our lives and the emotional consequences of carrying debt, as well as the rewards to escaping debt and building a truly Rich Life.
To learn more about the Crossroads...
Apr 6, 2019
In Episode 9 of The Rich Life Radio Show, James helps clarify how to decide when debt makes sense, when to avoid it, and how to better create financial margin.
Brought to you by Wealthquest