Oct 29, 2019
Recently, James Lenhoff was a guest on the Pique Podcast with Cristina Roman, a Certified Life Coach. In this episode, he’s going over curiosity, money communities, generosity, and more.
This podcast is brought to you by Wealthquest.
Oct 22, 2019
Do you have a specific set of “rules” that you follow when it comes to money? Do you expect others to follow those same rules - even if you never explain what they are?
This concept is something called a “manual” and it’s something that every person creates.
Unfortunately, having a “manual” that you impose...
Oct 15, 2019
Life is 50% positive and 50% negative. It can be that simple. The world is full of both positive and negative emotions, but in our thirst for happiness, the negative emotions get shoved aside, ignored, and disregarded.
When we bypass the negative emotions, 50% of our lives, we aren’t allowing for personal growth. We...
Oct 8, 2019
Growing up is a nuanced process that involves more than just age, it encompasses your emotional valence and the control you have over your emotions, and in turn, your actions. Moving from a place of emotional childhood into emotional adulthood is an important yet difficult transition.
Today, we are going to...
Oct 1, 2019
Emotions are a beautiful part of our lives. They allow us to experience love, joy, happiness, contentment, and peace. But as with most things, the good comes with the bad. There are negative emotions we feel too: anger, frustration, fear, restlessness, etc.
Dealing with our emotions in a healthy, productive way is...