Jun 30, 2020
Our willingness to be generous gets put to the test in times of uncertainty or scarcity. In this season it’s tempting to disconnect from generosity, yet it’s such a critical component to living a rich life.
Learn more about staying generous in uncertain times in this week’s episode.
To learn more about The...
Jun 23, 2020
Calling a family meeting doesn’t have to mean that something bad happened. They can be an opportunity for togetherness and connection between your family.
James explains more in this episode and shares the questions he asks in his family’s meetings.
Jun 16, 2020
In the final part of the Enneagram and Money series, James dives deeper into Types 8, 9, and 1. Otherwise known as The Challenger, The Peacemaker, and the Reformer.
Listen in and discover how anger may be secretly driving your financial decisions and how you interact with others. Understanding more about your...
Jun 9, 2020
In part 3 of the Enneagram and Money series, James dives deeper into Types 5, 6, and 7. Otherwise known as The Investigator, The Loyalist, and the Enthusiast.
Listen in and discover how fear may be secretly driving your financial decisions and how you interact with others.
To learn more about The Rich Life Book +...
Jun 2, 2020
In part 2 of the Enneagram and Money series, James dives deeper into Types 2, 3, and 4. Otherwise known as The Helpers, The Achievers, and the Individualist.
Listen in and discover how specifically the feeling of shame combined with the motivation of accomplishments, drives how these types handle their finances.