Mar 24, 2022
You know those people who can quickly and effortlessly go from having a bad day based on one negative experience to feeling great 30 minutes later? What do they know that you don’t? Today, we’re going to find out! Join us for an episode on breaking negative cycles and using your emotional intelligence to flip the...
Mar 22, 2022
The ongoing pandemic has shown us what it looks like when our routines collapse. Even though the world is putting us back on regular routines in these still abnormal circumstances, can we somehow adjust our schedules to create a more rhythmic experience of time?
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Mar 15, 2022
Parents: what do you do when your empty nest is suddenly not so empty? In today’s episode, James addresses why taking your adult child coming home might feel like a failure. Turns out, this living arrangement might have some benefits. The key is setting some very necessary ground rules.
Listen now for 5...
Mar 8, 2022
Everyone’s talking about the Great Resignation, but is it really a problem or merely a symptom of something deeper? In today’s episode, James is joined by Mike Sipple, CEO of Centennial and co-founder of Talent Magnet Institute, to discuss what Mike is calling the Great Realization.
Listen now!
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Mar 1, 2022
We all know that “less is more,” but how often do you actually work that into your problem solving? In today’s episode, James dives into new research revealing a bias towards finding solutions by adding something rather than subtracting. Are you limiting your imagination in your completion of day to day tasks? And...