Oct 31, 2023
Your employer funded insurance open enrollment period usually rolls around once a year. A lot of people don’t put enough thought into their options and benefit choices. With a well rounded financial plan the type of coverage your family needs and benefits for your specific situation should be taken into account.
Oct 24, 2023
Senior Wealth Advisor Shawn Scott joins Sam to discuss the best ways to choose an investment option for your needs. Some of the topics we discuss include fear-based investing, discipline, and understanding what you know and don’t know. Additionally, we cover two problematic long-term investment strategies that are...
Oct 17, 2023
David Kern, President of Wealthquest talks with Wealthquest CEO Wade Daniel about the origins and growth of Wealthquest. Wade graduated with a chemical engineering degree from University of Cincinnati. He became interested in finance and wanted to help other people with their finances. As he began working in the...
Oct 3, 2023
There are two types of people in this world. There are people who understand compound interest and take advantage of it, and there are people who get taken advantage of by it. Sam talks about how there aren’t a lot of people who really understand what compound interest is or how to really use its power.